"We take a brief look at some of the important papers of lattice QCD
studies of diquarks. We will then change to our recent lattice QCD
studies of diquarks by using an extended HAL QCD's potential method. We will finally make a comment on the relation among these studeis."
[1] T. Sekihara, T. Hyodo, D. Jido, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2015, 063D04 (2015).
[2] Z. Yin, D. Jido, arXiv: 2312.13582 [hep-ph]."
複合性および素粒子性と呼ばれる量を用いて、包括的にエキゾチックハドロンの内部構造を議論する方法が提唱されている。その際、裸の素粒子状態は直接観測できないため間接的に複合性を計算する必要があるが、その計算手法はいまだに確立していない。本研究では、束縛状態に加え、素粒子状態が影響しない低エネルギー領域での散乱の情報を用いることで、複合性の下限を与える手法を提唱する。そして、HAL QCD法で計算された束縛状態および散乱データから、上の手法を用いて複合性の計算を行う。
ハドロン間相互作用を研究する手法として,近年HAL QCD法は一般に信頼に足りる方法として確立された.実際,核力ポテンシャル計算などで成功を収めており,今後発表されるであろう数値計算の結果や,計算手法自体の改良も期待される.しかし,Lambda1405を束縛状態に持つKbarNダイナミクスなど,一部のハドロン間ポテンシャルを計算した場合には原点周辺で特異な振る舞いを示す.本研究では,HAL QCD法によるこのような振る舞いの原因を明らかにするため,ハドロン間相互作用の有効模型でNBS波動関数を計算し,HAL QCD法のポテンシャルと比較する.
We examine a pattern of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking making use of the vacuum energy density as a function of the quark condensate. We compute the vacuum energy density and the quark condensate in the interacting instanton liquid model (IILM) with three-flavor quarks, which is a phenomenological model to describe the QCD vacuum. These computations are performed by using a numerical...
Hierarchical structures in quantum many-body systems often involve phase transitions and crossover phenomena in the intermediate regime. To understand their microscopic mechanisms, we discuss one of the most famous crossover phenomena in many-body physics, that is, Bose-Einstein-condensate (BEC) to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) crossover, realized in ultracold atoms. Moreover, the three-body...
We study theoretically the semi-exclusive (p,dp) and (pi,pp) reactions for the formation of the eta(958) mesonic nucleus formation. The semi-exclusive measurements with the protons from eta(958) non-mesonic two-body absorption (eta(958)NN—>NN) are found to be quite important for the eta(958) bound state observation. We report the recent theoretical results.
The polarization of Xi- hyperons obtained from the (K^-, K^+) reaction provides crucial insights into the underlying reaction mechanism. In the absence of an S=-2 meson, there is no t-channel Born-term diagram in the (K^-, K^+) reaction. The forward-peaking differential cross-sections for the (K^-, K^+) reaction require high-spin hyperon resonances in the s channel and box diagrams involving...
"The hyperon puzzle of neutron stars refers to the problem that most of the equations of state with hyperons are not sufficiently stiff to support the observed massive neutron stars. One promising solution to the puzzle is that the three-body forces between a hyperon and medium nucleons produces such strong repulsion that Λ’s do not appear in neutron stars. The Λ single-particle potential [1]...
We present a novel unified approach to describe the dense symmetric nuclear matter by combining the quarkyonic matter framework with the parity doublet model. This integration allows for a consistent treatment of the transition from hadronic to quark degrees of freedom while incorporating chiral symmetry restoration effects. Our model introduces a chiral invariant mass for both baryons and...
"I would like to review a recent study on the structures of unstable nuclei and hypernuclei with cluster-orbital shell model (COSM). In light unstable nuclei, neutron-rich and proton-rich nuclei are investigated about their ground states and the excitation mechanism.
In hypernuclei, we recently predict many states of neutron-rich Lambda hypernuclei. In these studies, resonances are described...
"$\eta^{\prime}(958)$ meson has an exceptionally large mass compared with the other light pseudo-scalar meson nonets. The origin of the large mass is considered to have a close relation to the chiral symmetry breaking and the axial U(1) anomaly in the QCD. In a nuclear matter, where the chiral symmetry is partially restored, a mass reduction of an $\eta^{\prime}$ meson is predicted by several...
"LHCbでccbarを含むPcペンタクォークバリオンがJ/ψ pチャンネルで観測された。このPc
そこでssbarを含むペンタクォークバリオンPsを観測するため、入射エネルギー1.6-2.4 GeV
"Quarks and gluons (collectively called partons in the high energy regimes) are fundamental degrees of freedom of QCD and are deeply confined in hadrons and nuclei. Their connections are mapped into parton distribution functions (PDFs), which can be extracted from QCD global fit to experimental data. Meanwhile, the emergent hadronization of partons is encoded in fragmentation functions (FFs)...