October 28, 2024 to November 1, 2024
TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Proton Radius and Muonic Atom Spectroscopy

Oct 29, 2024, 3:00 PM
TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University

TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University

Address : 2–1–1 Katahira, Aoba–ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980–8577 JAPAN


Dr Sohtaro Kanda (KEK)


The "proton radius puzzle," originating from Lamb shift spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen atoms, has spurred extensive precision physics research involving various theoretical and experimental efforts. This talk will review recent advancements in the field, including ongoing preparations for a spectroscopy experiment on the hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen atoms at RIKEN/KEK, and discuss its potential impact on our understanding of proton structure.

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