October 28, 2024 to November 1, 2024
TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

γZ-exchange contributions in low-energy parity-violating ep scattering

Oct 29, 2024, 12:10 PM
TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University

TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (東北大学知の館), Tohoku University

Address : 2–1–1 Katahira, Aoba–ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980–8577 JAPAN


Qianqian Guo (Southeast University)


In this work, the γZ-exchange contributions in the low-energy elastic parity violating ep scattering are discussed with the approximation me = 0, where me is the mass of electron. By expanding the γpp and Zpp interactions on the momentum of photon and considering both the leading-order and the next-to-leading order interactions, we calculate the amplitudes of the γZ-exchange diagrams. After performing the loop integral, we expand the results in the low energy limit, and obtain the analytic expressions for the amplitudes. Numerical comparisons show that the analytic expressions are very close to the full results over a large region. We investigate the power behaviors of these contributions and find that some are enhanced by a kinematic factor in the low energy limit. Additionally, in some cases, the imaginary parts of the contributions from the next to-leading-order interactions are at the same order as those from the leading-order interactions. Furthermore, the corresponding contributions to the physical observable quantity APV are also discussed. Combining all the properties together, we conclude that these analytic expressions describe the leading-order contributions of the γZ-exchange helicity amplitudes in some regions.

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