While studying the double $\Lambda$ hypernuclei and $\Xi^{-}$ hypernuclei is essential in further understanding baryon-baryon interaction with S=-2 systems, experimental data still need to be provided. Several earlier experiments, such as KEK-PS E373 and J-PARC E07, reported possible attractive $\Xi$–nucleus interaction from bound $\Xi^{-}$ hypernuclear states.
Recently, the E42 experiment which has a primary goal to search for an H-dibaryon collected 300K $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction events in the ranges of $\theta_{K+}<25^\circ$ and $p_{K^{+}}\gt$ 0.5 GeV/$\mathit{c}$ via 1.8 GeV/$\mathit{c}$ $K^{-}$ beam at the J-PARC. A large time-projection chamber (HypTPC) highlights the E42 detector, facilitating a charged particle reconstruction for subsequent decays of the double-strangeness system produced near the threshold region in the $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction. Therefore, the E42 data would first measure all decay channels involving charged particle emission from $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction with high statistics.
This talk will present the preliminary results of the J-PARC E42 experiment.