ELPH研究会C035「実験、反応・構造計算、格子QCD で解き明かすハドロン分光」

 三神峯ホール (東北大学電子光理学研究センター)



後神 利志(代表) (京都大学), 池野 なつ美 (鳥取大学), 末永 大輝 (理化学研究所), 時安 敦史 (東北大学 ELPH), 早川 修平 (東北大学), 山口 康宏 (名古屋大学)



2023 年 11 月 8 日 (水)、9 日 (木)


強い力で相互作用するハドロンは、従来、クォークと反クォークからなる中間子、3 個のクォークからなるバリオンといった、高々 3 個のクォークからなる状態と考えられてきた。しかし、最近の実験的進展により、Tcc状態、Pc 状態、ダイバリオン d* 状態等の 4 個以上のクォークからなるエキゾチックなハドロンが存在する可能性が次々と報告されている。例えば、J-PARC においても、中間子ビームを用いたダイバリオンやハドロン共鳴状態の分光実験が計画されている。また、ELPH, SPring-8においても光生成反応を用いたエキゾチックハドロンの探索が進められている。

これらエキゾチックハドロンの内部構造を解明することは、クォークの動力学である QCD の非摂動現象を対象とするハドロン物理における喫緊かつ重要な課題の一つである。非摂動 QCD を直接解くことは困難であることから、エキゾチックハドロンの正体の解明には、ハドロン実験とその理論的解析、そして格子 QCD シミュレーションの相互連携とその系統的研究展開が必須となる。

本研究会では、実験、反応・構造の理論計算、格子 QCD シミュレーションの連携研究の飛躍を目指して、実験・理論双方の参加者を募り、ハドロン分光と関連する先端的な物理トピックについて、幅広い視点から議論を行う。



  • 旅費補助申請: 8 月 31 日 (木)
  • 講演申込: 9 月 22 日 (金)
  • 参加申込: 10 月 31 日 (火)
参加登録フォーム(Registration form)
  • Wednesday, November 8
    • 9:30 AM 9:40 AM
    • 9:40 AM 11:10 AM
      ハドロン: 1
      • 9:40 AM
        Doubly charmed tetraquark T+cc from Lattice QCD near Physical Point 30m
        Speaker: Y. Lyu (Peking University / iTHEMs)
      • 10:10 AM
        Analysis of Tcc and Tbb based on the hadronic molecular model and their spin structures 20m  三神峯ホール



        2022年にLHCb実験によってTcc(cc\bar{u}\bar{d})^+が報告された。この状態はアイソスカラーで$J^P=1^+$と考えられている。また、束縛エネルギーは0.273 MeVであり、$D^{*+}D^0$の閾値に近いことからハドロン分子として解析した。この時、相互作用としてpi、rho、omega、sigma交換を用いた。解析の結果、束縛状態を形成する上でシグマ交換力とパイオン交換のテンソル力の重要性を見た。また、他の量子数のTccについても束縛状態を探した。次にボトムクォークを2つ含むテトラクォークTbbについても同様にハドロン分子として解析した。Tbb(0(1^+))の性質について調べ、他の量子数についても解析をし、多くの束縛状態を得た。さらに、得られた束縛状態のHQSパートナーの存在の有無をそれらのスピン構造を調べることで議論した。

        Speaker: 酒井 愛斗 (名古屋大学)
      • 10:30 AM
        Mass and decay width of $T_{ccs}$ from symmetries 20m  三神峯ホール



        We analyze the mass and width of the doubly heavy tetraquark $T_{ccs}$ ,which consists of a heavy diquark and a light anti-diquark with strangeness. Assuming a color-antitriplet heavy diquark allows us to obtain the mass of $T_{ccs}$ by using the superflavor symmetry and the spectra of $T_{cc}$ reported by LHCb and the singly heavy baryons. We predict the decay width by the effective Lagrangian approach with the SU(3) flavor symmetry. By comparing the obtained results with future experimental data, we can study the color representation of the heavy diquark inside the doubly heavy tetraquark.

        Speaker: 田中 満 (名古屋大学)
      • 10:50 AM
        Derivative expansions of hadronic potentials coupled to quarks for X(3872) 20m  三神峯ホール



        We study the properties of the hadron-hadron potentials and quark-antiquark potentials from the viewpoint of the channel coupling[1]. It is also shown that the elimination of the different degrees of freedom induces the nonlocality and energy dependence of the effective potentials. For the obtained nonlocal potentials, we apply two methods of the local approximation proposed previously, the formal derivative expansion and the derivative expansion in the HAL QCD method, by carefully examining the energy dependence of the potential. As an application, we construct a coupled-channel model of $c\bar{c}$ and $D\bar{D}$ to describe $X(3872)$, and discuss the property of the effective $D \bar{D}$ potentials. We confirm that the local approximation by the HAL QCD method works better than the formal derivative expansion also for the energy-dependent potential. At the same time, we show that, in the HAL QCD method, the resulting phase shift is sensitive to the choice of the wavefunction to construct the local potential when the system has a shallow bound state such as $X(3872)$.
        [1] I. Terashima and T. Hyodo, arXiv:2305.10689 [hep-ph], to appear in Phys. Rev. C.

        Speaker: 寺島 伊吹 (東京都立大学大学院理学研究科)
    • 11:10 AM 11:30 AM
    • 11:30 AM 12:40 PM
      ハドロン: 2
      • 11:30 AM
        対称性に基づく有効理論を用いたヘビーハドロン研究 (Research of heavy hadrons using effective theories based on symmetries) 30m

        I will summarize my works on study of the heavy hadrons, which include at least one heavy quark, using effective theories. I am planning to introduce the following three topics:
        1: Study of singly heavy baryons based on an effective theory based on the chiral symmetry and heavy-quark symmetry.
        2: Study of doubly heavy baryons based on an effective theory based on the super-flavor symmetry and chiral symmetry.
        3: Study of heavy exotic hadrons based on the molecule model with super-flavor symmetry.

        Speaker: Harada Masayasu (Nagoya University)
      • 12:00 PM
        Parity doublet model for baryon octets based on the quark-line diagram 20m

        The nucleon mass includes the contribution from chiral symmetry breaking and chiral invariant mass. Parity doublet model is one of the effective chiral models that take these two contributions into consideration. For increasing baryon densities, the existence of such chiral invariant mass has large impacts on the density dependence of baryons masses as well as baryon-meson couplings. In previous work, we have analyzed models of two-flavors and studied the properties of neutron star. However, in high density region, it is necessary to analyze baryonic matter with hyperons.

        Speaker: Gao Bikai (Nagoya University)
      • 12:20 PM
        Analysis of Xi(1620) resonance with chiral unitary approach 20m

        The excited states of Xi(1620) has not been theoretically analyzed for a long time. However, more detailed experimental results have recently been obtained, starting with spectra obtained by the Belle experiment in 2019. In 2021, the ALICE experiment determined the Kbar lambda scattering length with femtoscopy in lead-lead collisions .
        In this talk, we construct a coupled-channel meson-baryon scattering amplitude which reproduces the Kbar Lambda scattering length from ALICE experiment using the chiral unitary method, and discuss nature of the Xi(1620) that exists near the KbarLambda threshold.

        Speaker: 西淵 拓磨 (東京都立大学)
    • 12:40 PM 2:10 PM
    • 2:10 PM 3:30 PM
      ハドロン: 3
      • 2:10 PM
        Overview of the LEPS2/BGOegg experiment 20m
        Speaker: 松村 裕二 (東北大学電子光理学研究センター)
      • 2:30 PM
        ホログラフィックQCDからのハドロン形状因子 20m


        Speaker: 藤井 大輔 (JAEA)
      • 2:50 PM
        MIT-bag模型を用いた陽子内部の応力の解析 20m

        本発表ではMIT-bag模型を修正し近年実験的に得られた陽子内圧力を再現するモデルを作るとともに、重力形状因子の一つである D-term を計算した我々の研究について紹介する。MIT-bag模型は古くから知られている単純な模型にもかかわらずメソンやバリオンの質量などをよく再現する。一般的に形状因子から計算される圧力分布には、摂動真空から非摂動真空に入れ替わることによる不連続性がバッグ表面に存在する。これは実験データとは一致しないため問題である。それに対してバッグの集団的な動径方向の振動を考慮することによって不連続性の解消を行なった。このモデルを用いて重力形状因子を計算し得られた結果を最近の実験データと比較する。

        Speaker: 小島 陸 (大阪大学核物理研究センター)
      • 3:10 PM
        Molecular states of D D K and B B K nature 20m
        Speaker: 池野 なつ美 (鳥取大学)
    • 3:30 PM 3:50 PM
    • 3:50 PM 5:40 PM
      ハイパー核: 1
      • 3:50 PM
        Λハイパー核生成反応から探るハイパー核構造研究 30m


        Speaker: 井坂 政裕 (法政大学)
      • 4:20 PM
        J-PARC E07原子核乾板を用いたS=-1,-2ハイパー核の束縛エネルギー精密測定 30m

        J-PARC E07実験で照射された原子核乾板には、S=-1ではΛハイパー核が数百万、S=-2ではΞやΛΛハイパー核が千程度が記録されていると考えられている。この高統計と高精度のエネルギー測定による測定エネルギーの精度は世界最高精度に達すると期待されている。

        Speaker: 中川 真菜美 (RIKEN)
      • 4:50 PM
        物理点ゲージ配位におけるHAL QCD法によるYN/YY相互作用 30m

        スーパーコンピュータ富岳で生成した物理的なクォーク質量を持つ格子QCDのゲージ配位を用いた、HAL QCD法によるYN/YY相互作用の計算結果について報告する。特にStrangeness=-1,-2のチャンネル、つまりNΛ-NΣ相互作用やΛΛ-NΞ相互作用について、現状の課題点と今後の展望について議論する。

        Speaker: 土居 孝寛 (京都大学)
      • 5:20 PM
        K−d → πΛN reaction with in-flight kaons for studying the ΛN interaction 20m

        We have calculated differential cross sections of K−d → π−Λp and K−d → π0Λn reactions in order to study the difference between low energy Λp and Λn interactions. We can explore low-energy nature of ΛN interactions when we focus on the differential cross sections near the ΛN mass thresholds using the final-state ΛN interaction. The calculations have been performed for in-flight kaons with momenta of 1000 MeV/c. We have suppressed the background processes by imposing an angular restriction to forward directions on outgoing pions. This restriction also serves as the spin selection rule where the spin triplet state of ΛN interaction becomes dominant. TWe have employed chiral unitary amplitude obtained from partial wave analysis up to p-wave as meson-baryon amplitudes and the effective- range expansion, taking into account the spin-flip term, as baryon-baryon amplitudes.

        Speaker: 安永 隼輔 (東京工業大学)
  • Thursday, November 9
    • 9:00 AM 10:20 AM
      中間子原子・中間子原子核: 1
      • 9:00 AM
        π中間子原子の精密分光による原子核中のカイラル凝縮の定量評価 30m


        Speaker: 板橋 健太 (理研)
      • 9:30 AM
        The anomaly-driven breaking of chiral symmetry in the NJL model and the instanton liquid model 20m

        Using the interacting instanton liquid model (IILM), we study an anomaly-driven breaking of chiral symmetry inspired by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with anomaly term, i.e., the KMT determinant term. In the NJL model, chiral symmetry dynamically breaks when there exists a sufficiently strong four-point quark interaction. Even though the four-point interaction is weaker than its critical value, chiral symmetry can be broken with a large anomaly contribution. This is anomaly-driven breaking of chiral symmetry. To apply that to the IILM, we generalize the definition of such symmetry breaking, and then investigate how they realize in the IILM. In this talk, we introduce the generalized definition for the anomaly-driven breaking. Also, I talk about the formulation of the IILM using in this work. Finally, I discuss simulation results for the quench and the unquench cases.

        Speaker: 須田 大翔 (東京工業大学)
      • 9:50 AM
        From hadrons to quarks in neutron stars: why the quark substructure of hadrons are important 30m

        Recent neutron star observations indicate that equations of state of QCD matter show soft-to-stiff evolution from nuclear to quark matter. This trend is difficult to explain in purely hadronic picture and a hybrid model of hadron-to-quark matter transition. It is important to treat hadrons as composite particles and include constraints coming from the quark substructure. I discuss how the quarks switch on the rapid evolution of stiffness. The onset density depends on quark wavefunctions in hadrons which may change in medium effects. How to handle the hyperon puzzle is also discussed.

        Speaker: KOJO TORU (Tohoku Univeristy)
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
    • 10:40 AM 11:50 AM
      • 10:40 AM
        A study of neutron star matter based on a parity doublet model with a0(980) meson effect 20m

        We study the effect of the isovector-scalar meson a0(980) on the properties of nuclear matter and the neutron star (NS) matter by constructing a parity doublet model with including the a0 meson based on the chiral SU(2)L×SU(2)R symmetry. We also include the ω-ρ mixing contribution to adjust the slope parameter at the saturation. We find that, when the chiral invariant mass of nucleon m0 is smaller than about 800 MeV, the existence of a0(980) enlarges the symmetry energy by strengthening the repulsive ρ meson coupling. On the other hand, for large m0 where the Yukawa coupling of a0(980) to nucleon is small, the symmetry energy is reduced by the effect of ω-ρ mixing. We then construct the equation of state (EoS) of a neutron star matter to obtain the mass-radius relation of NS. We find that, in most choices of m0, the existence of a0(980) stiffens the EoS and makes the radius of NS larger. We then constrain the chiral invariant mass of nucleon from the observational data of NS, and find that 580 MeV≲m0≲860 MeV for L0=57.7 MeV.

        Speaker: Kong Yuk Kei (Nagoya University)
      • 11:00 AM
        格子計算による有限密度2カラーQCDにおけるハドロン有効質量の研究 30m


        Speaker: 村上 耕太郎 (東京工業大学)
      • 11:30 AM
        Probing the hadron mass spectrum in two-color dense QCD with the linear sigma model 20m
        Speaker: 末永 大輝 (理研)
    • 11:50 AM 1:00 PM
    • 1:00 PM 2:50 PM
      ハイパー核: 2
      • 1:00 PM
        Multineutron experiments 30m
        Speaker: 三木 謙二郎 (東北大学)
      • 1:30 PM
        High resolution missing-mass spectroscopy of $\Xi$ hypernuclei at J-PARC 20m

        The baryon interaction for the $S=-1$ system has been investigated in some spectroscopic experiments. On the other hand, the $S=-2$ system is not understood well, although results of emulsion experiments and femtoscopy were published recently. Spectroscopy of $\Xi$, $\Lambda\Lambda$ hypernuclei plays an important role to reveal the more general baryon-baryon interaction.
        In J-PARC, a missing-mass spectroscopic experiment for $\Xi$ hypernuclei (J-PARC E70) started. In this experiment, $K^-$ beams are irradiated into a $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ target and produces $\Xi$ hypernuclei, $^{12}_{\Xi}\mathrm{Be}$. This energy spectrum is given by the missing-mass method, whose resolution is expected to be 2 MeV/$c^2$ (FWHM) which would be the best resolution among existing data. In June, 2023, the first commissioning run was successfully carried out.
        In this talk, we will introduce the J-PARC E70 experiment, and report some preliminary results of the first commissioning run.

        Speaker: Ebata Kengo (Kyoto U.)
      • 1:50 PM
        Ξ原子X線分光で探るΞN相互作用 30m


        Speaker: fujita manami (JAEA)
      • 2:20 PM
        Production of S=-2 systems near the threshold in the $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction at 1.8 GeV/$\mathit{c}$ 30m

        While studying the double $\Lambda$ hypernuclei and $\Xi^{-}$ hypernuclei is essential in further understanding baryon-baryon interaction with S=-2 systems, experimental data still need to be provided. Several earlier experiments, such as KEK-PS E373 and J-PARC E07, reported possible attractive $\Xi$–nucleus interaction from bound $\Xi^{-}$ hypernuclear states.
        Recently, the E42 experiment which has a primary goal to search for an H-dibaryon collected 300K $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction events in the ranges of $\theta_{K+}<25^\circ$ and $p_{K^{+}}\gt$ 0.5 GeV/$\mathit{c}$ via 1.8 GeV/$\mathit{c}$ $K^{-}$ beam at the J-PARC. A large time-projection chamber (HypTPC) highlights the E42 detector, facilitating a charged particle reconstruction for subsequent decays of the double-strangeness system produced near the threshold region in the $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction. Therefore, the E42 data would first measure all decay channels involving charged particle emission from $^{12}C(K^{-}, K^{+})X$ reaction with high statistics.
        This talk will present the preliminary results of the J-PARC E42 experiment.

        Speaker: Jung Wooseung (Korea University)
    • 2:50 PM 3:10 PM
    • 3:10 PM 4:10 PM
      ハドロン: 4
      • 3:10 PM
        閾値近傍の共鳴状態の複合性 20m


        Speaker: 衣川 友那 (東京都立大学)
      • 3:30 PM
        Near-threshold hadron scattering using new parametrization of amplitude 20m

        When an exotic hadron locates near the threshold with channel couplings, the internal structure of the exotic hadron is related to the scattering length. To incorporate the threshold effect, the Flatte amplitude has been often used to determine the scattering length. It is however known that an additional constraint is imposed on the Flatte amplitude near the threshold. In this work, we discuss the problem by using the effective field theory (EFT) for the coupled-channel scattering. We propose a new parametrization of the EFT amplitude which can reduce to the Flatte amplitude directly. And then, by using this new parametrization of the amplitude, we discuss the general property of the scattering length and the behavior of the scattering cross section near the threshold through the comparison of the EFT amplitude and the Flatte amplitude.

        Speaker: 曽根 克佳 (東京都立大学)
      • 3:50 PM
        高エネルギー衝突での2粒子間相関関数 における共鳴状態の影響 20m


        Speaker: 渡辺 蒼大 (東京都立大学)
    • 4:10 PM 4:20 PM
      Closing 10m