We are conducting simulations to improve ion bunch cooling efficiency for the development of an isobar separator for 132Sn and 132Sb using SCRIT. The goal is to cool 10^5 ions to room temperature within 1 ms and then extract them to MRTOF for isobar separation. The setup involves simulations using a quadrupole ion trap. By applying RF and DC, we change the potential to collect the cooled ions in the potential well. Subsequently, the potential barrier is lowered to send the ions to MRTOF. As ions move through the gas-filled trap, they lose energy due to collisions with the gas, a process known as cooling. Without this effect, ions would gain energy due to potential differences, making them unsuitable for extraction to MRTOF. Currently, we are focusing on the type and pressure of the gas, observing their effects on trapping and energy dissipation. Other parameters include DC value, potential shape, ion temperature, spread, and extraction efficiency to MRTOF. The goal is to optimize these parameters.